It has been nice this week seeing my daughter is becoming a bit more tolerant of other's weaknesses. She also went up in auditory processing and up a grade level in auditory processing.
Auditory processing was her lowest score from her original evaluation. I have a niece who was diagnosed with auditory processing disorder, so it runs in the family. We just had our progress report and she has moved up 4 age levels in auditory processing since we started. They feel they can move her up seven more levels by the time she completes the program. This is when you tell your child to get the paper from the first drawer on the right side of the desk, and they say "Okay" and then come back having no idea what they are supposed to be getting or where they are supposed to look.
They have added more homework to her daily routines. She continues all the original exercises, but now she also has an auditory processing exercise, a fine motor and timing & rhythm exercise and a proprioception exercise. She also has a whisper phone that she places on her left ear and needs to speak in for 15 minutes a day.
The whisper phone allows her to hear her own voice and is placed on the left ear to stimulate her right brain. For the proprioception exercise she has to stand on her left foot for 30 seconds with her eyes closed. She was able to do it with a lot of wiggling and scooting around. I couldn't even do it for 15 seconds. I could do it forever with my eyes open, so I was really surprised how hard it was to do with my eyes shut. Try it! The goal is 60 seconds.
For fine motor and timing & rhythm she can play Bop-IT, Simon, Operation or Jacks. She can also learn how to play the "Cup Song". And for auditory processing she can choose between one of the following activities: